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Showing posts with label AND THE LAST OPTION FOR THE WISE.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AND THE LAST OPTION FOR THE WISE.. Show all posts

Thursday, 5 September 2019


(PART (2)
The Essene school of Wisdom, is a Philosophical, Spiritual, Miracles, Wealth and Power School Of Wisdom Discovered By A Research. It is traditionally the second and a world Re-Known, Health, Spiritual, Mystical, Success, Forensic and Microscopic Research And Facts authors of the Alleged Dead Sea Scrolls, Miracles Circle, Poverty Is A Choice, Restoration of Happy Marriage, Cancer Alternative Cure, "Comprehensive, Microscopic And Forensic Filtered Spiritual Research" Restoration Of Wasted Years, Restoration of Failed Businesses, Restoration of Failed Relationships, Making One A Mightier Giant And Protecting Him From Dwarfing, Ozone Miracles Crowd Puller for Sharp Prophecies And Visions, Restoration Of Spiritually Shortchanged Lives, Faulty Foundation Reversed and Total Spiritualism etc. Their research covers the secrets of all the Mysteries and doubts of this present earth, it includes all The
ESSENES in Britain, India, Persia, Africa, America, Egypt, and India etc.
The ancient properties and legends, of hermetic symbolism covers all the mystical hidden secrets of this present earth and its physical solutions.

They share the deepest esoteric knowledge including the hidden kabbalah history, occult wisdom technology, the spiritual purpose of life, and the Mysteries of the Ancient Essene School of Wisdom and Life.
They will change your perception about life realities, the depth and breadth of the goddesses, origin of deities cum the supper humans.
The true depth of non academic knowledge super humans as contained in this concluded comprehensive and microscopic forensic and filtered spiritual scientific research "Book of Life Technology* is unprecedented.
Dr. Chukwu blends the wider perspectives of Real Eastern Occult History, Kabbalah Occultism Reality, Pharmacognosy, Homoeopathy, Herbal Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Mysticism, Science, Physical Realities, Archaeology, and Spirituality etc.
Dr. Chukwu with his wealth of spiritual experience is commissioned to train spiritual and mystical trainers which covers all spiritual and mystical professional fields, and it includes many ancient Streams of Wisdom, Celtic, Egyptian, Far Eastern, and Native American Traditions, by reducing all the Mysteries and Practices into simple human accessible terms for all Researchers and Students of Esoteric Wisdoms. Today, one can read or learn about magic. It is no more a big occult secret.

Spiritualism as the bridge between shortsightedness and vision, anarchy and due process, was used to match the wider perspectives of spiritual and occult realities, mysticism, science, archaeology, and spirituality with his years of Esoteric Scientific Discovery Experiences and Wisdoms.
Dr. Chukwu is the author of more than twenty books and over three hundred different topics of life, which includes Health, Herbal Remedies That Works, All Cancer Cures, All Killer Diseases Cure, Idiopathic Diseases, Alleged Dead Sea Scrolls With Premium Facts, Success, Happy Marriage, Riches, Restoration of failed Businesses And Relationships, The Kabbalah Origins and Gains, Esoteric Hidden Mysteries, Wealth, Money, Honour, Preventing Success and Positions From Dwarfing, Restoration of Wasted Years, Ceased Glory, Faulty Foundations and Spiritually Shortchanged Lives etc.
All religions today share: The Essene School Of Wisdom Spiritual Ideologies of Mystics, Eschatological, Messianic, and Asceticism Beliefs and it's facts Practices etc. and total rejection of spiritual ignorant, voluntary poverty and Immersions,
The Essene School Of Wisdom gained more fame in this Modern times as a result of the discovery of the Alleged Dead Sea Scrolls in 1946. These documents included the untouched copies of the Hebrew Bible dating to 300 BCE.

Dr. Chukwu, is a world Re-Known Spiritualist, Homoeopathic Physician,
a Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Pharmacognosist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
Naturopath, Philosopher, Mystic, Occultist, Health Instructor, Researcher, a Servant and Custodian of some Esoteric Wisdoms. The founder of ESOTERIC WORLD DISCOVERY LTD. A Spiritual Scientific Discovery Centre By A Research. A Spiritual Scientific Research Center, and supplier of Aids to all Mystical Mediations. Dr. Chukwu is an African Nigerian; He studied Religious Studies, Homeopathy, Pharmacognosist and Public Administration in India and Africa. He studied astrology, white and black magic, herbal medicine known as alternative medicine in many countries of the world, including Unidsgharl Spiritual Chambers in India.
He also acquired Spiritualism, and Metaphysics in the former Indian school of Spiritualism and Herbal Medicine in the Western part of Nigeria. Dr. Chukwu once served as a Secretary General of Trado' Medical Practitioners of Nigeria. He is a member of the West African Herbalists and Spiritualists Protection and Renewal Association (WAHSPRA)
International society for Alternative Medicine, Eastern Orthodox Medicine, The Bridge to Freedom, Self Realization Fellowship, Parliament of the World's Religion, Free Thinkers Society, Hindu Mahasabha International, International Vedanta Society, and The Global Spiritual And Philosophers Agency (GLOSPA) etc, whose objectives include complete eradication of spiritual fraud throughout the world.
His Spiritual and Mystical services Are Without Equal. Esoteric World Discovery Ltd. and the Spiritual Scientific Discovery Home By A Research has the Master Key to all human unlimited wants and needs. They qualify the unqualified, make people giant, mightier and protects them from dwarfing. They turn mistakes to miracles, sorrows to joys and failures to successes and celebrations.They restore back wasted years, ceased glory, faulty foundations, failed businesses, relationships, marriages, and spiritually shortchanged lives.
They Are In Partnership with fifty three (53) living Spiritual Organizations Worldwide.
Dr. Chukwu takes over where others have failed woefully.
They Transform Lives From Spiritual And Mystical Value Change. Qualifying the unqualified.
They Are The Finishers of All Human Problems. They Are Motivating Us To Finish Well In Life.
Poverty by choice, poverty by deprivation or ignorance is not acceptable.
He remains Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, A Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Pharmacognosist, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
For More Information:
WhatsApp: +2348037550425, +2348146015314 or
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