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Showing posts with label comparative healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comparative healing. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 December 2013


        We are going to discuss about your entire health for they say health is wealth, yes! Health is wealth but it baffles me when I watch some people abandon their health to other person’s verdict. When you are having health challenges and your medical practitioner writes you off and you accept his verdict as final, that’s amazing, it’s really amazing, no one’s judgment should be final on your health, even the correct thing to do is not to wait for the final whistle, you yourself should know when the person handling your health is no longer capable to assist, especially when you are having terminal or degenerative issues which sources and cure are some how idiopathic or very confusing, there are lots of alternatives, but with conditions, do not allow your health move to the lowest ebb before thinking of alternatives, if you must go through spiritual healing, it is even better to start your spiritual healing while you are still in the hospital or still very strong, it will facilitate your response to treatment, let your doctor take the credit no problem, what is important is that you have excellently regained your health which is precious. Let them describe it as medical miracle, who cares?
    What I am saying in effect is that majority of us live our health to reach the lowest rung of the ladder before resorting to alternative, complimentary or spiritual healing, this ought not to be so, make haste while the sun shines, act as if tomorrow is too late, for he who have no today have no tomorrow and your today’s decision is your tomorrow.
    If my doctor informs me that I will die in six months, I cannot go home and write my will and prepare for my death, I will first of all reject his verdict and decide to live, I will go by the biblical principle, let it be done to you according to your faith and remember the bible is clear on faith-faith without work is dead. Once I am armed with faith I got to start doing something, looking for solutions to my health challenges, good thing the world is now a global village, you can procure healing from Africa, India, China etc, a million thanks to the internet, all you have to do is to do your own  due diligence search for we have scattered all over the internet spiritual and alternative healing programs, so you do your own due diligence to unearth a solution to your health challenge, once you see a genuine solution you should know one.
    The problem of mankind is lack of natural knowledge, natural wisdom and natural vision, we go on to acquire all the knowledge from the universities, but we neglect some natural aspect of our life that is in tune with nature, we neglect a lot of things that was created for us, we abandon a lot of natural food given to us by nature as food and medicine and go all out to create our own artificial food and drugs without proper recourse to nature and its healing balm.
    If you are privileged to read this article, after today the scales has fallen off your eyes and you shall be free and very free forever.
    May the Cosmic mightily bless you.
Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia is the CEO of Esoteric World Discovery Ltd, a debt free spiritual organization. At esoteric world discovery, they don’t just dabble into spiritual healing, first of all they must conduct a comprehensive holistic spiritual and redefined research, to determine the root cause of your problem and it is the result that determines whether you can be healed or not, note that, you are not on this earth by error but by the special design of nature like others, your birth rights can never be privileges. Act as if tomorrow is too late; your today’s decision is your tomorrow. If you are interested in their services you can reach the organization at: