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Showing posts with label get rid of barrenness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get rid of barrenness. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 December 2013


Over the years I have been asked time without number by would be clients and clients alike, ‘what is a Comprehensive Spiritual Research? That I have taught it wise to answer that question once and for all, most of the people asking this questions are those who have been privileged to visit our mother website well, what we call Comprehensive Holistic Redefined Microscopic  Spiritual Research is a spiritual tool used in unearthing any information anywhere in the universe. It is a spiritual process by which we can gather, analyze and process any information spiritually, no matter the mystery surrounding the information, no matter how secret and how long. With our Comprehensive Holistic Redefined Microscopic Spiritual Research there is no secret anywhere in the world even under the waters and under the earth.
    This article is purely for spiritual enlightenment purposes not to blow our trumpet per se, because in Esoteric World Discovery Limited we don’t sound our trumpet, we sincerely believe that actions speak louder than words, besides as Esoteric we keep our word.
    Least I forget the subject matter, Comprehensive Holistic Redefined Microscopic Spiritual Research, for short has the capacity to uncover any hidden thing, any secret, any crime, even things existing under the ground needed by man, but not yet aware of its existence there.
    It has the capacity to expose any conspiracy and can even reveal things yet to happen in the future and causes of things that happened in the past but is yet unknown, even if it happened two hundred years ago.
    It can be employed to expose infidelity among couples, unfaithful husband or wife with evidence and solutions.
What is that problem bugging you? What is that obstacle blocking you? Why are you going in circles? While others are moving ahead, all this can be revealed, and solutions proffered through Comprehensive  Holistic Redefined Microscopic Spiritual Research.
May the cosmic give you the wisdom to understand this mysteries.
Remain blessed by the cosmic.
The author of this article is the CEO of Esoteric World Discoveries Limited. Where all seeming impossibilities are made spiritually possible. You can reach him at:




You can get rid of barrenness or infertility, barrenness is not natural, it is a curse,it can be contacted by  someone knowingly or unknowingly, certain things that come across our way is usually dismissed with a wave of the hand while growing up, at times this things we casual dismissed grow up to start hunting us, many people are going around carrying witchcraft curses or generational curses without knowing it. Spell action or curses can have dire consequences for the carrier.

A case we handled at Esoteric World Discoveries Limited,some two or so years ago, a step mother  placed a curse on her step daughter, what  was her offense? She got married before her own daughters and what was the curse like? You can never get pregnant, talk-less carrying a baby on your lap. They shall be no cry of baby in your house. It was as simple as that, a seemingly simple statement, but it was laced with powerful negative forces directed on the victim. This curse devastated her marriage for twenty ugly years,until she was brought to us, today she is a proud mother of four boys and one girl.

Curses are real and barrenness is as a result of curses because God created every body to be fruitful, to go and multiply. The only infertility that is not a curse, is the one inflicted by oneself as a result of past life style but for that every other barrenness is as a result of one form of curse or the other.

 The truth is that you cannot continue to be barren, you are barren because of spiritual ignorance, you are not alive to your spiritual constituency, you take everything as God’s will, common! God never created you to be barren you are barren and continue to suffer barrenness because of spiritual ignorance.

The good news is that you can break barrenness, barrenness can be reversed to fruitfulness, at Esoteric World Discoveries Limited, we reverse barrenness to fruitfulness, say I said so.

The author of this article is the CEO of Esoteric World Discoveries Limited, interested in his services, you can reach him at: