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Showing posts with label And it's Prevention". Show all posts
Showing posts with label And it's Prevention". Show all posts

Sunday 28 February 2021

"The True Origin Of Cancer, it's Prevention/final cure"

"The True Origin Of Cancer,
it's Prevention and Final Cure"

Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia" s Spiritual Creation.

In the month of February 2009, I wore an elastic rubber band on my wrist for about two weeks and my wrist started hurting. The blood on the both sides seperated, creating a deep sign at the center.

I looked at it closely and I discovered that the movement of the blood was hindered by the elastic rubber band and as a result, my veins surged and that was the cause of the pains.

Immediately I removed the rubbers, the pains started reducing until it finally vanished . Once in a while, I still observe some pains in that particular part of my body.

Just imagine what would have happened if I had wore that rubber band for 6 months🤔

Hence, why are you still arguing about my ulternative forensic research that tight braziers and undies that prevents free movements of blood and water in breasts veins for years is not one of the major causes of breasts cancers etc.

Infected or clothed blood which remains within the breasts area for years forms lumps at a latter stage and can also spread to any part of the body at any stage, which metamorphosed into what you call cancers of the eye, mouth or any parts of the body etc..

1.Wearing loosed braziers and underwears will reduce the spread of cancers.

Before the invention of elastic braziers and undies, there was nothing like cancer or cancers all over the world.  The whole breasts must be gently and softly pressed with soft fingers on regular basis to help free flow of blood and water to safe the veins from coiling or shifting from its natural position.

2. Cancer is not a genetic desease.

If your mothers and Grand mothers wore tight braziers for years and suffered from cancers, why won't you who is wearing the same tight braziers for years and caged the blood, water and vains from its natural position and functioning not experience same thing ? Is it then a genetic sickness in your family or idiopathic, a non known cause sickness,. (any disease that is of uncertain or unknown origin is defined or termed idiopathic. meaning a sickness or sicknesses from heaven )

3. Cancer has alternative/herbal cure.

4. Western medicines has no cure for cancers, because they have not accepted the true cause of it. You must know the origin or cause of a disease before, knowing the true cure.

I am not completely ruling out naturally or spiritually caused cancers, but cancer diseases does not fall from heaven. God is not too wicked to allow millions of our daughters, wives and mothers to die every year from cancer diseases.

Tell me what you think about my research. I want us to reason together. I also want to learn from your own ideas. For one to know where he is going, he must understand where he is coming from. You must know the sources and causes of diseases, before deciding on the final cure and elimination of such diseases.

Cancers are diseases in which some of the body's cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body.
Cancers are also caused by the blockage of arteries and veins which prevents blood and water from flowing freely and reaching all parts of the body.
Understand that breasts are softer parts of the body, which does not require longer elastic holds.

After years of this long liquid blockages caused by unavoidable life styles and dressings of elastic tight braziers and underwears, the non circulating blood starts becoming thicker, forming what is known as little lumps and tumors, that can be transported to any parts of the body through blood circulation that helps the cells develop into bigger and dangerous substances with many different horrified names.

Tumors develops when cells reproduce too quickly.
In general, tumors occur when cells divide and grow excessively in the body. Some tumors are benign and consist of noncancerous cells, others are malignant. Malignant tumors are cancerous, and the cells can spread to other parts of the

The scientists call it idiopathic, meaning diseases without non known cause, but we are
now telling you about one of the major causes of it according to our many years of research.

Carcinomas, Sarcomas, Leukemias, Lymphomas, Lung cancers etc but becomes curable through alternative/spiritual methods. Never believe or accept that death sentence from your Medical/Western DOCTOR. People who are used to what they are used to never get to the unusual. They are always static and motionless with their thinking and ways of reasonings. Alternative cures and
healings are relative in nature.  
        Man cures, God heals.

We take over where others have failed woefully.
We Transform Lives From non value systems to Spiritual And Mystical Value Changes. We qualify the unqualified.
We Are The Finishers of All Human Problems. We Are Motivating You To Finish Well In Life.
Good health is by choice, good health by deprivation or ignorance is not acceptable.

I remain: Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, A Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Pharmacognosist, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.

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