All Spiritual Solutions

Tuesday 26 September 2017


                RICHES IN A TRASH
Spiritual Riches, Fame and Wealth Boosters And Spiritual Life Dreams Motivators"
Your Today's Spiritual Decision Is Your Tomorrow.
A Good Plan Today Is Better Than A Perfect Plan In The Future.
         "It Is Abomination To Fail"
"Riches, Fame, Wealth and Treasure Boosters"
The Million Dollar Success Secrets Revealed To Men and All Students Of Esoteric Wisdom.
Riches And Wealth Made Easy Spiritually.
Success is a tasty dish, patience, intelligence, knowledge and experience are it's ingredients. But hard work cum spiritual connection are that little salt that makes it delicious. Any wealth without peace of mind is incomplete. The whole humanity was one until race, religion, politics wealth disconnected, separated, divided and classified us. No matter how long one have travelled in the wrong direction, the person can always turn around. You dont have to loose the moon while counting the stars. When you find no solution to any problem, it is because you did not consult the Earth's most visited spiritual empire the: and Esoteric World Discovery where all impossibilities are made possible, and all dreams are realized.

The wise toil shortly and get to their destinations, while the fool toil for  ever just to earn a living. All  roads to success are always under construction, only those with spiritual metal shoes can freely walk on such roads unhurt.
Some people use 75% of their entire life struggling and believing that their knowledge, strength, power, wisdom, hard work and dedication can get them to their destination. They do not know that Success is not how hard or how long you have toiled, but  it is how well?  Destiny, opportunity and determination can make any one successful, But, both needs the GREAT MASTER KEY cum ACTION. 
It is very easy to succeed in life, but very hard to manage and protect the Success from failing.
This is a spiritual and occult organization where there is no late comers or original owners. Clients are given equal services.
Dont allow your thoughts to be a dream killer. 
There are lots of interesting hidden  facts clients and all students of Esoteric wisdom should get familiar with when we talk about white magic spiritualism, voodooism, hoodooism, mystics, psychic and occultism. 
Spiritual and Occultism investment is a short term risk and the best risk ever for the living. With it's control  Great Master Key, the practice of White Magic Spiritualism and Occultism remains the best spiritual solutions service providers in the world. 
Instead of thinking and worrying about personal knowledge, stigma and all doubts associated with all the general knowledge and laymen noises about White Spiritualism and Occultism. It is better to be thinking about White Magic Spiritualism and white magic Occultism for every spiritual goal on earth. White magic spiritualism and occultism participation and involvement around the world is the best spiritual option and general opium for the masses today, and it never fail. 
White magic spiritualism and occultism is for those who desire and appreciate the best things in their lives. 
We fight the spiritual fight for you while you win the trophy.

Yes, you heard me right, we fight the fight while you win the trophy. Riches and wealth from the trash is a language for those who understands the spiritual languages only. Some one may ask, Is it possible to get or acquire riches and wealth from the trash? Yes, it is very very possible and without side effects. Riches in a trash includes Borrowing Riches and Wealth From Failure, From Spiritual Deities, From Stupidity, From the unknown, From waste, From Spiritual Sources, From the Mistakes of Others that attracts Unknown negative Spiritual consequences from the Spiritual World, Mystical and Occultist Sources. Some call it Spiritual money, blood money, occult money, invocation money while some call it spiritual money laundering. Any how you look at it, Success is Success, Why Failure is Failure. 
Don't forget that the distance between Success and failure is Action.
But can some one acquire riches and wealth from the trash, waste bins, poverty zones and all these mentioned areas? This is a critical question that requires a reasonable answer, but the hidden answers have been given to you today as we are motivating you to finish well in life by conquering the world spiritually.
A unanimous school of thought says that, he who has nothing only but money without knowledge or vision is absolutely very poor)
Every day we hear a chorus of voices claiming that borrowing or people excoriating the habit of borrowing with an exclamation expression that "Debt is Evil", debt is bad , debt will drag you into poverty or early grave. 
Spiritual borrowing of riches and wealth is the best option for the wise.
Yes, debt can do that if you handle debt poorly, wrongly or you borrow too much without plans on how to increase or double the borrowed money.
Direct or indirect borrowing is not a crime or religious sin. Negative ideas to positive ones is never a bad decision and can never be. Borrowing is one of the Ancestral Spiritual Principles that spiritually and mystically counts.
But if you do it rightly and wisely, going into debt can make you very rich, it can change your entire generation positively.
In fact, debt or borrowing or using leverage is one of the oldest and most proven methods of building wealth.
Vehemently one can" borrow wealth". Literally and figuratively borrowing wealth refers to and encompasses all ideas and strategies learnt from successful people about wealth creation, besides the mystery of the act of "winning" in all ramification in a chosen career or endeavor.
Most successful men and women all over the world borrowed their success from the above ideas. They met few or many challenges on their way to the top, but they still had their ways broken. The wise toil shortly and get to their destinations, while the fools toil for ever just to earn a living.
Borrowing wealth spiritually is an art that can be mastered, and has the capacity of making one very successful and wealthy. The art of "the ship came in" is dated back into the predominant days of voyage and it has surreptitiously transformed into an advance form of building wealth. This very art has distinguished the rich from the poor and downtrodden.
Borrowing wealth encompasses borrowing creative and spiritual ideas about wealth by consuming and reflecting on other inputs and use it to investigate new creative and spiritual possibilities which are clearly your own.
Look at the creative inspiration from a different perspective, generalize them and then apply the spiritual broader idea in new situations in order to get the desired result.
Determine a wealth ideas underlying structure and apply new creativity to a comparable structure.
Use the formula: Groundhog day + silver streak = sour code.
i.e. Take individuals who are successful piece of creativity and assemble them in new ways to form a creative investigation, that will produce wealth building and complete transformation from penury and abject poverty into affluence and Fame.
Let us look at it this way, If some one pays a spiritualist, mystics occultist or deity priests under white magics colony and he is given a chance or Spiritual opportunity to win millions or thousands of Dollars from any Lotto, lottery or pool? Did such a person acted wisely or stupidly for wining millions of dollars? Did he borrow wealth from Spiritual unknown sources? Did he borrow spiritual ideas that changed his financial history? With these reasons, it is now very clear that some one can borrow wealth from ideas, unknown Spiritual sources and isolated zones.

It equally means that some one can borrow Wealth From trash.
It is only the spiritual borrowing That Spiritually and physically Counts.
Borrowing Wealth From The Bank Of Trash Spiritually Counts.
This topic may not sound interesting to some people, while some people can instantly change their world from it and many successful men had benefited from it years ago. You must have read or study so much about success, how to make it in life, power of positive thinking, read and grow rich, how to make it happen, the richest man in Babylon, Saudi Arabia, how to be a millionaire, how to win this or that, how to tap wealth from floating opportunities, how to be successful in life, how to be Great and so forth, but no one has told you about borrowing wealth from trash, or wealth in a trash or how some one can borrow wealth from trash. Today we are going to study and learn everything about trash and how wealth can be borrowed from trash. The True Spiritual Benefits of Trash. How to borrow wealth from the Bank of Trash Spiritually. How to become great from waste and trash Spiritually. How trash knowledge has made some heroes and successful men and women all over the world.
What is Wealth? it is an abundance of valuable possessions or money: That is abundance of everything, Treasures and Power. What is failure: it is lack of success: Lack of everything, Lack of Knowledge, Changes, Wealth, Authority and Power.
TRASH, is garbage, unwanted, or undesired waste material.
The three are very opposite to each other in real terminology.
You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, about what you can possibly do and do it Successfully, determines everything that happens to you. When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life. Nothing can ever change in your life until you change your thoughts and reasons. You can't continue thinking the same way you were thinking many years ago and expect positive changes or miracles in your life. You cannot be doing the same thing and expect different results from it. People who are use to what they are used to never get to the unusual. They are always static and motionless in their lives. Just as spiritual thoughts can give some one hope, our thoughts react to the world in real-time.
You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking only.
Borrowing Wealth From Trash and Failure really Counts. It can equally  Means Borrowing Wisdom From Stupidity. It Means Succeeding From the Mistakes of Others. It means Seeking Spiritual Solutions For Your Problems. It means retuning your thinking From Analog To Digital Frequencies. It means becoming Great From Your Past Mistakes. It means working and succeeding among Enemies, It means Using Weaker Tactics To Conquer And Shine? It means Being Intelligent Among Fools And Pretending To Be One of the fools. It Means You Can still Succeed After Having Failed.
You can decide what you are going to think in any given situation. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actions and determine the results you get. Your thoughts rules your life. Everything about you starts with your thoughts. Why not retune your thinking spiritually now?
“The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity, But the Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficult Situation.
“You Learn More From Failure Than From Success. A Dwarfed Giant is no more a Giant. A Dead Hero is no more a living hero. A dead Queen is no more a living queen. A failed successful man is no more a Success but a former. Don’t Let It Stop You. Failure Builds Character even with out the victim knowing of it.
Failure will empower and motivate you to take action, Failure create success, and happy life no matter how tough it gets.
Your Vision is your collectoral security to borrow wealth From Trash and Failure.
Spirituality stands for all lifestyles and practices that embody a vision of human existence and how the human spirit is to achieve its full potentials.
During the last quarter of the twentieth century, the concept of spirituality moved well beyond its origins in Christianity and even beyond religion itself. It is now a broadly based quest for spiritual experience and spiritual practices expressed in a variety of ways.  The term spirituality is being increasingly used in the professional world such as healthcare and business.
Spirituality that appears in nonreligious contexts is often called ‘secular spirituality. So  one can only become successful from trash and through spiritualism.
The term" secular saint refers to someone who, irrespective of religion, is respected either for their selfless contribution or their inspiring life such as making wealth from trash spiritually.
One can identify four broad ‘types’ of spirituality: ascetical, mystical, active practical, and prophetic practical. These types can overlap to some degree.
The different types foster self a transcendence and transformation via a movement away from what they see as ‘inauthentic’ towards the authentic. They seek to answer questions such as where spiritual transformation is thought to take place (context), how it takes place (practices, ways of life), and what the ultimate purpose of spiritual transformation is (human destiny).
Spiritual practices are regular, disciplined activities related to spiritual development. They enable people to progress along a path towards whatever they see as the ultimate goal of human life. They clearly involves a degree of self sacrifice in that it means setting aside time and energy which might have been given to more humans for spiritual pleasurable activities.
Spiritual practices include various styles of meditation and contemplation, artistic practices, going away on solitary retreats, or undertaking a pilgrimage to a religious shrine or place of religious power, where riches from trash are revealed to the wise.
The term ‘spiritual capital’ refers to the potential value of spirituality to our everyday lives. This concept is to be used in favour of a humanely productive or successful life and involves quantifying the value to society at large of spiritual, moral, or psychological beliefs and practices.
‘Spiritual intelligence’ seeks to provide a spiritual equivalent to the importance in human flourishing of the intellect and of the emotions. The cultivation of spiritual intelligence enables us to better access out deepest meaning and highest motivations.

We have many satisfied clients through out the world, so if you need powerful genuine spiritual results we can help you instantly. This is why our products and services are costly, as they all work! Tried and tested time after time. This reassures you to know that what you are purchasing have excellent success rates, hence saving you time and money in the long run.
Our expertise in white spiritualism, Mysticism, occultism and the items we offer can help you with all life problems such as:
Be it Fast Success, Breakthrough, Victory, Riches, Good Health, Money,  Protection, Protection of Already Established Businesses from Falling Back, Winning of Lotto, lotteries and Pools, Happy marriage, happy home, to bring back a lover, to restore back a broken relationship, to restore back a failed business, to recover all debts, Revenge, Ask and Receive without regret or second thought, Ask without refusal, Miracles crowd puller for sharp and forensic prophecies, Seeing beyond the ordinary, microscopic visions, identifying all spirits and it's casting with command words and congregations control.
We hope we can be of service to you and help you in all life endeavours and undertakings.
We are non religious spiritual  organization, a center and custodian of ancient wisdom of the ages and mysteries with mixture of spiritualism, science and physical reality.
We specialize in proffering Spiritual Solutions to any problem in life, all obstacles and challenges here on earth. We make all seemingly impossibilities on earth possible spiritually.
Any information on any issue or matter shrouded in mystery, hidden, doubts or even termed secret here on earth can be unraveled in Esoteric World Discovery. We do not know of any incurable disease on earth, all diseases and sickness are curable spiritually if handled through the right source of spiritual power. At esoteric world discovery, we excel where others surrender.
We are experts in phrenology, chirognomy, Homeopathy, Tradomedical, alternative medicine, herbal medicine, Chiromancy, religious matters, mysterious Orisons, kabalistic Magic, Occult powers, Philosophy, Necromancy, thaumaturgy, original Seals and Talisman, Spiritual and Psychic Development, Esoteric Arts, White and Black magic, spiritual Counseling and winning Mystery of all mysteries.
We  match spiritualism with physical reality to achieve every goal in life.
We Have Spiritual Solutions For Every Problem In Life.
We can spiritually restore back your wasted years, seized glories, genetic faulty foundations and spiritually shortchanged lives.

I remain Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, Your Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
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