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Showing posts with label MYSTICALLY AND OCCULTICALLY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MYSTICALLY AND OCCULTICALLY. Show all posts

Sunday 9 December 2018


   (The Spiritual Scientific Zone)
I am a spiritual and mystical professional. I am saying what you are reading with all sense of humility and responsibility.
That your failure is going to be permanently or perpetually confused  if you don't know the root cause of your problems and failures in life, and does not know the spiritual or mystical solutions to such problems.
One must first dictate a problem and the root cause of the problem before looking for the solution of the problem. One must stop lying to himself if he wants to succeed in this Life. You are advised not follow the crowd if you want to make a positive history in life. The crowd has no history. Heroes and Mighty people don't follow the crowd.  Majority of people do follow the crowd even against their conscience just to avoid unnecessary stigma or to be seen as one of them.

We are now going to talk about the bone of contention of this topic. It involves successful life which can never come as a miracle.
    Breaking of curses, how to escape the enemies secret plans, be it spells actions, generational curses or curses contracted by omission. How to subdue all life stumbling blocks spiritually and become a champion in any field and in any part of the society you find yourself.
If one may ask what is a curse or hex? I simply put it this way: a curse or hex, are the willful direction or targeting of negative magic towards or against another person, family, community or group. Usually a curse or hex develops slowly and gradually for a long period of time, but steady and slowly increases the victims suffering over long period of time or kills the person if undetected spiritually. Spiritual things cannot be physically seen, they are above human comprehension.
A times, Most Intelligent Fools does not believe in these theory, spiritual powers or negative forces. But that some one does not believe in something or a process does not mean that such process is not existing or working for millions of people. Most of the people who does not believe or accept the spiritual or occult theory have been affected by the same theory they rejected. Any one who does not believe in unseen powers or miracles die in obstacles.

That is why you see people or some families crawling through life, going in circles, year after year as if the entire family are all fools and born failures. Sometimes, it looks as if the individual or family are allergic to the good things of life. That is why you see somebody despite all his knowledge, strength and efforts to succeed in life, it will not be possible at all. The truth is that most people are not aware that they are suffering from curses or spiritual spell actions from enemies. Some even claim they have no enemies, forgetting that ones best ally today can turn the persons worst enemy tomorrow and that enemy with facts is a dangerous one.
In order to be free from a problem, you have to discover the problem first, you have to be aware you have a problem. If you don’t suspect you might be having a spiritual problem, it is difficult to solve the problem. So you need to first of all find out if you are suffering from spell actions or curses and the type of curses or spell actions.

Our problem in life is doubt and unbelief, we doubt a lot, no matter what has happened to us in our lives, we tend to deny it knowing very well we are living in the age of self denial due to the negative stigma attached to Spirituality and Occultism matters.
The truth is that each of us are responsible for the choices and decisions we make or fail to make. The moment you stop lying to yourself and your God, your problems are half solved.
Know it today that a curse can be likened to an evil thing creeping up from the past and hunting you down.

In tackling curses and inherited spells, be it generational curse, spell actions or family altars, what you do first is to trace the root of the spell actions or curses, how long it have been in existence, because some generational curses are more than two, three or more centuries, while some are within the ages of one, five, ten, fifty or more years as the case may be.
A philosophical adage says that a spiritual ignorance is the worst disease in life.
    For the purpose of educating you more about curses and spell actions, we need to delve into some of the indications of curses, the list is endless but we will outline a few of them as follows:
Family alienation
Breakdown of marriages
Financial insufficiency
Accident prone
History of untimely deaths
Recurring of incurable sicknesses
Being Popular in the society
Being an Honest person,
Saying the truth at all times,
Being Successful
Being on the Throne
Revenge by unknown enemy
Some serious feminine problems and so on.
Being too truthful
Trusting every body
Being intelligent.
Being beautiful or handsome
Trying to please Every body
Being successful
Borrowing money to people etc:

I will have to expatiate a little on some of the aforementioned indications, such as breakdown of marriages.
At times marriages breakdown with little or no reason, both parties will accept being tired of the relationship and consent to divorce without knowing that the marriage may be under spell action or curse. On the part of financial insufficiency, I am not talking about occasional financial hardships. Financial hardships for a short period may be a test or as a result of not organizing your finances very well or a question of the lifestyle you are living.
The financial insufficiency, I am talking about, is one always being in poverty, losing opportunities very close to actualizations, repeating same mistakes that gives same negative results, getting negative rewards from trusted friends, colleagues and relations, going in circles, going through life crawling, instability and failure of businesses,  failing in everything, no matter how well you plan your life, nothing seems to work out in the long run, this can be as a result of spell action or any one out of the many types of curses and spell actions.
Most feminine problems like confused sicknesses, protracted menstrual circles, constant miscarriages, family sudden deaths, and barrenness is as a result of spell action or curses. In some families you will see three to five beautiful girls, yet they will remain unmarried despite their good characters or life styles and skill professions. Despite their beauty, despite their holiness, nobody, I repeat nobody will want to marry them. This is a curse or spell actions at work. Another indication I want to talk about is recurring sicknesses especially hereditary sicknesses or natural sicknesses. In some cases doctors cannot find the cure to such diseases, such sickness is usually protracted and defies all medical attentions and becomes a devourer, devouring all your finances and making you to struggle just to spend all your life finances on medical bills, the indications are many but for the purpose of this article we just review a few. If you are suffering from spell action or curses you can never have your dream lifestyle, all your efforts to succeed in life can never be possible.

   All your life presentations and proposals may be without equal, but the actualizations will be zero. What you have achieved and call it success may just be one to ten percent of what you were destined to achieve by nature or the creator of the universe.
Until you break the spell actions or curses the end can never be in sight.
The wise toil shortly and get to their destinations, while the fool toil forever just earn a living.
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