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Showing posts with label how to stop a blackmailer.prevent blackmailing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to stop a blackmailer.prevent blackmailing. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 December 2013


If you have been at the receiving end of blackmailing, you will very much appreciate this article. Blackmailing can be carried out on a victim for various reasons, some of them are for material or financial gain, as a tool for revenge, that is getting back on somebody, it can be employed as a tool to hurt or stop promotion or even to break up a relationship. Whatever reason black mail is employed for, one thing  is clear, blackmail is criminal, destructive and uncalled for in any civilized society.
    But that not withstanding, a lot of people are dying silently as a result of someone putting a conduit pipe in their finances, siphoning their finances, using blackmail of what they know either about his or her past to reap financial fortunes out of the victims.
    The ugly aspect of blackmail is that once you start paying you are hooked, the more you pay, the more they demand, blackmailers are poison and should not be encouraged to succeed.
    The truth is we perish out of spiritual ignorance, we accumulate a lot of knowledge both useful and useless, yet only one percent of the world population find time to study spiritual materials. If one may ask, why must man neglect his spiritual constituency. Man! Your inner-self is spirit, you are a spirit, but in a bodily form, we pursue every canal things yet we neglect our spiritual constituency, we accumulate every knowledge, but know little or nothing about how to employ spiritual forces to the glory and conquest of man. Man was created to conquer the universe, yet only a few have succeeded in using spiritual forces to actualize their existence on earth, take it or leave it spiritual positive forces abound here on earth, they are suppose to be your servant, but out of spiritual ignorance, we have allowed powerful negative spiritual forces to be our masters, to torment us and make us crawl through life, to keep on going in circles, this ought not to be so.
    If you are suffering from blackmail, if you are a victim of blackmail, from today you have access to informed information which will enable you make informed decision on how to cut the shackles of blackmailers of your neck.
    May the cosmic grant you the wisdom to understand these mysteries and may the cosmic bless you mightily.
    The author of this article Dr. CHukwu Innocent O. is the CEO of Esoteric World Discoveries Limited, where all seemingly impossibilities are made spiritually possible. You can reach him at: