All Spiritual Solutions

Monday 14 October 2013


Every one faces challenges. Yes! Every one faces battles, but not everyone has the capacity to bang on the door and the enemy opens, for them. In life you don't have to struggle and bet your life before you succeed, if you are in the right spiritual flow barriers notice your appearance or presence and give way on its own accord, yes! Challenges and barriers give way; they just melt away on their own accord.

In life you are not suppose to struggle and fight any battle to have access to your inherited goodies, yes! No battles, no struggle, no going in circles needed to have access to your inherited goodies. After reading this article today, your life will take a turn for the better, the scales will fall of your eyes and a great spiritual consciousness will sweep through you, you can triumph if you really want to, get it right into your consciousness that there is an all round triumph that is obtainable to all who desire it, a triumph that will make you cease to struggle, cease to crawl through life, cease to go in circle, if only you can key into the right source of power.

Battle and challenges are real in life, but also are triumphs. To succeed in life you need to do battle to surmount the challenges life throws at you, you need to be an over comer to succeed in life, there are obstacles alright but you are created to overcome all. Life is like a race. A hurdle race, you have to cross each hurdle to get closer to the mark and finally to cling victory.

Today will mark a turning point in your spiritual life, from today you are going to be in charge of your life, you are going to be in charge of your destiny. You can change your destiny, if you really want to, the question is that thing you call your destiny, is it really your destiny? Some of us are walking dead, I am sorry if my language is hard, but I want to make a point. What we call our destiny may not be what was destined for us by the creator; there are powerful negative spiritual forces that have the capacity to hijack your destiny, yes! Say I said so on very good authority, but the problem is our thinking, our belief, our faith, some out dated ideas and dogmas. We are part of the problems rather than the solution and not until we change those set ideas and way of thinking, those beliefs and dogmas, the end of the journey is not in sight.

Let us face facts, anything that is desirable is attainable, the only thing that is permanent on earth is change. Your situation is changeable all you need to do is desire change of situation, have faith of achieving the change of situation, of getting the desired result, then work towards it, do not fold your hands for heavens help those who help themselves.

Whatever you seek or desire you can achieve, but you must go for it, actually in real life there is no real free launch anywhere in the world. Those things weighing you down, things you call obstacles or mountains are all moveable, if tackled through the right source of power.

Never see anything as impossibilities, in this complicated life we are trying to live in, there are mysteries, a lot of happenings are shrouded in mysteries, and all it takes to excel is to tap into some of the ancient wisdom that will empower you to win to a roaring success. All it takes is to reprogram your life, your destiny, to enjoy your rightful destiny and inherited goodies. If negative powers or life has been cruel to you that are now in the past it is your time to excel, because any weapon fashioned to bring you down by powerful negative spiritual forces will no longer prosper. All it takes is to re-program your life and key in to the right source of spiritual power.

May the cosmic give you the wisdom to understand these mysteries.
Be mightily blessed by the cosmic.

The author of this article is the CEO of Esoteric World Discoveries Limited,a debt-free spiritual organization,where all seemingly impossibilities are made spiritually possible.If you are interested in consulting him,you can reach him at :

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