All Spiritual Solutions

Tuesday 19 November 2013


We are going to discuss how to conquer and restore lost destiny. There are many people today who knows where they are heading to, but who are yet to reach their destination, instead they continue to move in circles, because spiritual vision is lacking, people are losing focus because they are spiritually blind, lack of vision.
          Life is a race, to fulfill destiny you must run the race of destiny. Life is a race set before you; you must discover what it takes and run with it. Get ready to step out of ignorance slavery, until you step out you can never be distinguished in the race of fulfilling your destiny.  That something is destined to happen, does not mean inaction on your part, action is a pre -requisite in conquering destiny. Remember the saying of one wise man “if you cannot fly run; if you cannot run, walk; if you cannot walk, crawl. But by all means keep moving.’’
          Most of us have lost contact with our spiritual constituency, forgetting that man is a sprit in a bodily form. If only you will call home, stay tuned to base, hook up with your spiritual being and dare to dream, stay committed to achieve your dreams, clear all obstacles to your dream spiritually, watch out, the world that hates you today will honour, adore and envy you tomorrow. Most of us go through life without spiritual focus, without physical and spiritual focus, destiny is stranded. To run the spiritual race of fulfilling destiny one need to focus, to pin down destiny. What is that thing you need to achieve in life, nature is there to give it to you in quantum, if your destiny is cleared through the right spiritual source and you have your inherited goodies gravitate towards you as if by miracle, you see yourself excelling and winning the challenges of life.
          People are lacking spiritual education, knowledge is good because it is what determines the degree of impact someone makes, but we are consciously or unconsciously sacrificing spiritual knowledge for academic knowledge that is why we seem not to be making headway in life. The deeper you acquire spiritual exposure, the greater the impact you make in life.
          To prosper financially, to be successful in life, to restore past glories and destinies, you earnestly need a spiritual overhaul to achieve that, nobody can recover anything without returning to his or her spiritual life. Stop believing life answers to luck; many people are suffering today waiting for the day when things will get better. Let us face fact success in life is not a product of luck; it is not a function of chance, but of choice. You are where  you are today because of the choices you made or failed to make, until you balance academic knowledge with spiritual discoveries, your struggle continues, and the promise land can never be within sight.
          We are living in a spiritual universe and as such no one succeeds by chance, no one makes things happen by accident. Making impact in life is a product of spiritual secrets discovered and used. Every problem, every question in life has spiritual answers. The things you desire can be actualized through sound spiritual education or spiritual connection. You can not recover you lost glories or destiny without spiritual discovery. It is important you undertake a spiritual discovery mission concerning your destiny and the challenging areas of your life.
          People are tired of stories, explanations and excuses why you are not making headway in life. Nobody is interested in how many academic degrees or how grammatically correct your English is, what is needed is proof that you are living not merely occupying space, everybody is interested in knowing how much impact you are making in life. Key into your mind, search and search and search, without effective use of your mind, you cannot make impact, search out spiritual secrets of wisdom of the ages and run with it to recover your destinies and lost glories, just be fully aware that man is a spirit with a soul living in a body, until you see yourself as such you are heading no way in life fast.
          To make it in life you need to key into supernatural intelligence, attending great heights in life are as a result of man’s insight. Success does not necessarily has anything to do with fasting and prayers, use your head, use your brain in searching positive spiritual information, once you get it, take action and success beyond your wildest imagination will be yours. Use your brain judiciously, man’s brain is the myth behind all gains, if wisely used, you can never excel without putting your brain to good use. Do away with dogmas and believes that has never worked for you, wake up to a new spiritual information packed beginning, put your mind to good use, explore you spiritual constituency, your worth in life is essentially a product of the use of your brain and mind, either in the negative or in the positive.
          Make a ‘U’ turn. Stop running around, here and there. Sit down quietly and ask yourself some self analysis questions like:
Am I fulfilling destiny? Am I making an impact in my generation? Am I a spectator or a participant in the race of destiny? The answers to these questions will go a long way in helping you determine where you are heading to or where to head to.
          May the cosmic grant you the wisdom to understand these myths of the ages. Remain blessed by the cosmic.
The author Dr. Chukwu Innocent O. is the CEO of Esoteric World Discoveries Limited, a debt free spiritual organization. Interested in consulting him, you can reach him at:

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