All Spiritual Solutions

Monday 6 August 2018


Spirituality is something that’s talked about a lot but is often misunderstood. Many people think that spirituality and religion are the same thing, and so they bring their beliefs and prejudices about religion to discussions about spirituality. Though all religions emphasise spirituality as being part of faith, you can be ‘spiritual’ without being religious or a member of an organised religion.   
The difference between spirituality and religion is however, as it is understood today, spirituality gives the individual autonomy over his or her interpretation of the soul or spirit, whereas religion implies participation in a communal practice and interpretation of divine belief and worship.
Spiritual but not religious also known as "Spiritual but not affiliated"  is a popular phrase and initialism used to self-identify a life stance of spirituality that takes issue with organized religion as the sole or most valuable means of furthering spiritual growth.
Being a spiritual person is synonymous with being a person whose highest priority is to be loving to yourself and others. A spiritual person cares about people, animals and the planet. A spiritual person knows that we are all One, and consciously attempts to honor this Oneness. A spiritual person is a kind person.
Spirituality is a search for meaning, for purpose and direction in life. It fulfils our need to have a foundation for living, a path or way of life in the light of a larger context. It speaks to the need to be “aligned” with something bigger than our body and mind.
People often confuse spirituality with religion. People can be both religious and spiritual, but it is also possible to be religious without being spiritual, or to be spiritual without being religious.

Spirituality’ stands for lifestyles and practices that embody a vision of human existence and how the human spirit is to achieve its full potential.
During the last quarter of the twentieth century, the concept of spirituality moved well beyond its origins in Christianity and even beyond religion itself. It is now a broadly based quest for spiritual experience and spiritual practices expressed in a variety of ways.  The term spirituality is being increasingly used in the professional world such as healthcare and business.
Spirituality that appears in non-religious contexts is often called ‘secular spirituality’.
The term’ secular saint’ refers to someone who, irrespective of religion, is respected either for their selfless contribution or their inspiring life.
One can identify four broad ‘types’ of spirituality: ascetical, mystical, active-practical, and prophetic-practical. These types can overlap to some degree.
The different types foster self-transcendence and transformation via a movement away from what they see as ‘inauthentic’ towards the authentic. They seek to answer questions such as where transformation is thought to take place (context), how it takes place (practices, ways of life), and what the ultimate purpose of transformation is (human destiny).
Spiritual practices are regular, disciplined activities related to spiritual development. They enable people to progress along a path towards whatever they see as the ultimate goal of human life. They clearly involves a degree of self-sacrifice in that it means setting aside time and energy which might have been given to more immediately pleasurable activities.
Spiritual practices include various styles of meditation and contemplation, artistic practices, going away on solitary retreats, or undertaking a pilgrimage to a religious shrine or place of religious power.
The term ‘spiritual capital’ refers to the potential value of spirituality to our everyday lives. This concept is to be used in favour of a humanely productive or successful life and involves quantifying the value to society at large of spiritual, moral, or psychological beliefs and practices.
‘Spiritual intelligence’ seeks to provide a spiritual equivalent to the importance in human flourishing of the intellect and of the emotions. The cultivation of spiritual intelligence enables us to better access out deepest meaning and highest motivations.

We have many satisfied clients through out the world, so if you need powerful genuine spiritual results we can help you instantly. This is why our products and services are costly, as they all work! Tried and tested time after time. This reassures you to know that what you are purchasing have excellent success rates, hence saving you time and money in the long run.
Our expertise in spiritualism, Mysticism, occultism and the items we offer can help you with all life problems.
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We hope we can be of service to you and help in your in all life endeavours and undertakings.
We are non religious organization, but a center and custodian of ancient wisdom of the ages and mysteries with mixture of spiritualism, science and physical reality.
We specialize in proffering Spiritual Solutions to any problem in life, all obstacles and challenges here on earth. We make all seemingly impossibilities on earth possible spiritually.
Any information on any issue or matter shrouded in mystery, hidden, doubts or even termed secret here on earth can be unraveled in Esoteric World Discovery. We do not know of any incurable disease on earth, all diseases and sickness are curable spiritually if handled through the right source of power, at esoteric we excel where others surrender.
We are experts in phrenology, chirognomy, Homeopathy, Tradomedical, alternative medicine, herbal medicine, Chiromancy, religious matters, mysterious Orisons, kabalistic Magic, Occult powers, Philosophy, Necromancy, thaumaturgy, original Seals and Talisman, Spiritual and Psychic Development, Esoteric Arts, White and Black magic, spiritual Counseling and winning Mystery of all mysteries.
We  match spiritualism with physical reality to achieve every goal in life.
We Have Spiritual Solutions For Every Problem In Life.
I remain Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, Your Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
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1 comment:

       "Religion And Spirituality At War"
    Religious Elites Fraud Circle Takes Over The World:
    "Shortsightedness And Vision Divide The World Inhabitants:
    Be the Best Of Who You Are In Life.
    Spiritual Must Always Rule The Physical.
    But majority of us are on the Wrong Side Even Without Knowing of It:
    Being Spiritual In Life and Nature Goes With Many Things. Sometimes The Consequences are always positive or negative with it's Public Stigmatization.
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    I remain Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, Your Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Spiritualist, Occultist, Trado-medical wizard, Spiritual Grand Master, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezinearticles Expert Author. For More Information,
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