All Spiritual Solutions

Thursday 22 August 2019



*Your Journey Begins Here*
In the medieval time, spirituality was originally a concept by which man wanted to change it's original identity, to self transcendences and aligning with God.
However, in modern times spirituality has expanded to other variations such as value belief and meaning, which encompasses mystical and esoteric cultures.
Vehemently, the advent of the Spiritual Industry, which encompasses spiritual market and spiritual tourism.
Spiritual Industry refers to all variations of services engaged by spiritual experts in meeting the spiritual needs of the people.
The products of spiritual industry are supernatural materials.

This Is A Process Where Every Body Is A Shareholder, Employer, Employee, Customer And Consumer etc. It is the present opium of the masses.
Spiritual matters are quite different from natural dispositions in the sense that it is a platform where "every man's meat is another man's meat and everybody's meat" There is no poison in the spiritual realm. Spirituality is generic to production, and thus can be likened to an industry. However, it's raw material is "Belief", the medium" of propagation is" Divine " and the produce is" Result" which is evident in the lives of men. It is controlling the spiritual market.
In spiritualism, for one to acquire a particular thing, one needs a spiritual method that controls the particular field in the spiritual realm. Every spiritual goal has a different control process.

For example: Marriage, Job, Favour, Wealth, Money, Success, Cure Of All Killer Diseases, Winning Elections, Breakthrough, Miracles Crowd Puller, Protection, Victory, Restoration of failed marriages, relationships, businesses etc. has different spiritual control processes, master keys and passwords.
For one to tap a power from the supernatural, there must be natural contributions. Spiritualism is a bridge between shortsightedness and vision, anarchy and due process. Some looks, whilst others see.

They are a Religious Institution dedicated to Spiritual Growth and Development.
They offer every spiritual artifacts that have been specially designed to help someone evolve in their consciousness.
Esoteric World Discovery, A spiritual scientific discovery by a research is a Religious institute that provides spiritual instruments to help growth and expand all spiritual consciousness.
They are nondenominational, so they are inclusive to all. They are a bridge between Religion and Spirituality.
Their goal at Esoteric World Discovery is to provide the spiritual instruments that will help any one achieve all their spiritual goals in life.
They have created a large variety of spiritual instruments that have helped thousands of people achieve their dream goals, and they prevented them from falling back. These includes divorce cases, loss of loved one, illness and/or individuals seeking more knowledge on the practices of spirituality, magical powers the worship of deities and goddesses.

The aims of Spiritual Industry is to help restore equilibrium to the body, mind and spirit, and achieving a sense of wholeness.
The Spiritual Industry has different objects and commodities produced like: Soul, Aatman, Deity, Shrines Jivatma, Parmatma, God, Consciousness, Peace, Bliss, Bhakti, and Yoga etc. They are ruling supreme with one world spiritual government.
They are motivating every one to end well in life, through the modern digitalized spirituality.
They restore back wasted years, ceased glory, faulty foundations and shortchanged lives etc.
They have final solutions for every problem in life.

The man who saw tomorrow, and the founder of Esotetic World Discovery, a spiritual scientific discovery by a research,
Dr. Chukwu is re-known Spiritualist, Homoeopathic Physician,
a Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Pharmacognosist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
Naturopath, Philosopher, Mystic, Occultist, Health Instructor, Researcher, a Servant and Custodian of some Esoteric Wisdoms. The founder of ESOTERIC WORLD DISCOVERY LTD. A Spiritual Scientific Discovery Centre By A Research. A Spiritual Scientific Research Center, and supplier of Aids to all Mystical Mediations. Dr. Chukwu is an African Nigerian; He studied Religious Studies, Homeopathy, Pharmacognosy and Public Administration in India and Africa. He studied astrology, white and black magic, herbal medicine known as alternative medicine in many countries of the world, including Unidsgharl Spiritual Chambers India.
He also acquired Spiritualism, and Metaphysics in the former Indian school of Spiritualism and Herbal Medicine in the Western part of Nigeria. Dr. Chukwu once served as a Secretary General of Trado-Medical Practitioners of Nigeria. He is a member of the West African Herbalists and Spiritualists Protection and Renewal Association (WAHSPRA)
International society for Alternative Medicine, Eastern Orthodox Medicine, The Bridge to Freedom, Self Realization Fellowship, Parliament of the World's Religion, Free Thinkers Society, Hindu Mahasabha International, International Vedanta Society, and The Global Spiritual And Philosophers Agency (GLOSPA) etc, whose objectives include complete eradication of spiritual fraud throughout the world.
His Spiritual and Mystical services Are Without Equal. Esoteric World Discovery Ltd. and the Spiritual Scientific Discovery Home By A Research has the Master Key to all human wants and needs.

They Transform Lives From Spiritual And Mystical Value Change. Qualifying the unqualified.
They Are The Finishers of All Human Problems. They Are Motivating People To Finish Well In Life.
He remains: Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, A Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Pharmacognosist, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
For More Information:
WhatsApp: +2348037550425, +2348146015314 or
+2348166979375 or visit: or or write to: or


    The slow movement of the tiger is not that of weakness, but a calculated accuracy to avoid error. Take time, and plan well over any proposal in your life to avoid failure, and even if you fail try again. Quitters don't win, while Winners don't quit, until they win. A hero must have past challenges history, which he conquered to be a hero. You cannot be a hero without victory.
    Excuses are failure's master keys.
    There is no excuse for failure in life.
    There is a solution for every spiritual problem in life.
    We are the finishers of every human problem., or

  2. "Thriving In A Wicked World"
    Human beings were created last among other things, according to some religious history. We humans turns out to be the most wicked among other creations. Don't allow any human to recreate you negatively, by deciding your future and taking control of your destiny.
