All Spiritual Solutions

Wednesday 2 October 2019



(Heath Facts Are Not Opinions)

Yes! You heard me right. The cure for cancer depends on you and you alone. The phrase “a cure for cancer” now appears to sound like irony. Why is this so? Because conventional medicine (scientist) has failed woefully, despite the fact that president Nixon declared war on the disease since 1971, nearly forty years now.
The American cancer society states that cancer will kill 569, 490 people this year in the united States alone, some statistics!
Dr. John Bailor, then a cancer statistician for the U.S National cancer institute in 1985, in an address to the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of science stated that:
Cancer death rate continue to go up
Year after year. These are real increase.
This has been going on quite steadily for a number of years.
In 1995, ten years after he declared again that years of intense effort focused largely on improving treatment must be judged a qualified failure

(N Eng1JMed 1997)
If one may ask at this age of knowledge, technology and science, why are we sicker than ever? Cancer, depression, obesity or most deadly diseases are preventable disease, so we should be singing prevention, reversing and how to stop this diseases above cure, if we guide against cancer, there will be no need for cure, we should be working at the causes not the symptoms, stop the causes and cancer cells will be sent packing, this is the time for you to take charge of your health, after several years conventional medicine failed us, one can no longer intelligently leave his or her health squarely in the domain of conventional medicine.

A fool at forty is a fool forever, the cancer cure deception will be forty years taking bearing from 1971-2011 we have been told for the past fifty years that cancer cure is just around the corner, it is only you that can stop yourself from believing this charade.
Why not defy the odds? Your life is not being run by statistics, forget those statistics and defy the odds, as far as cancer is concerned you can jump off the statistics ques. You are unique, your conditions are unique and your solutions are unique, you don’t need a straight jacket fits all type of treatment, what fuels your cancer, may be different from mine and if we are talking about causes, we have different causes and of course different solutions, it is as simple as that.
Cancer is simply a question of lifestyle, environment and diet, wearing of tight braziers and undies for years, find out what is fueling your cancer and there lies your solution and cure. Is it diet, lifestyle, dress to die, environment, spiritual or otherwise? Did I hear you ask how do I found out? Well you asked right, you are not the first to pass through this road, many has done, we have many millions who have defied their doctors, defied statistics, defied the cancer death sentence and continue to live their life’s, testimonial abounds.

If any person tells you this or that cures cancer never, believe, don’t even take my word or that of your oncologist either. First thing to do, if you are diagnosed of cancer or wants to prevent or beat cancer is to search and search. Thanks to the internet, thousands of books are now at your disposal exposing how different type of people reversed or stopped their cancer. All you have to do is to do your diligent search, read six to twelve good cancer books, have informed choices that will empower you to take informed decisions, if you are interested you can access some books here:

I repeat for the sake of emphasis, do not take any body’s word on cancer cure, not even mine or that of your doctor, a fool at forty is a fool forever. You are unique, your problem is unique, so your unique solution is also unique. What caused my cancer may not be what caused yours. Continue reading to have access to informed choices that will empower you to make informed decisions. Find the cause of your cancer, there lies your cure.
We also have spiritual solutions for: All killer diseases which includes cancer. We get to the root causes of all killer disease, be it natural, spiritual or enemies sourced diseases through our different comprehensive and holistic redefind spiritual researches that makes all cures possible. We are experts in the spiritual restorations of the followings:
Happy Marriage, Job, Favour, Wealth, Money, Success, Winning Elections, Breakthrough, Miracles Crowd Puller, Protection, Victory, Restoration of failed marriages, relationships, businesses etc.
For one to tap a power from the supernatural, there must be natural contributions. Spiritualism is a bridge between shortsightedness and vision, anarchy and due process. Some looks, whilst others see.

We are a Religious Institution dedicated to Spiritual Growth and Development.
We offer every spiritual artifacts that have been specially designed to help someone evolve in their consciousness.
Esoteric World Discovery, A spiritual scientific discovery by a research is a Religious institution that provides spiritual instruments to help growth and expand all spiritual consciousness.
We are nondenominational, so we are inclusive to all. We are a bridge between Religion and Spirituality.
Our goal at Esoteric World Discovery is to provide the spiritual instruments that will help any one achieve all their spiritual goals in life.
We have created a large variety of spiritual instruments that have helped thousands of people to achieve their dream goals, and we prevented them from falling back. These includes divorce cases, loss of loved one, illness and/or individuals seeking more knowledge on the practices of spirituality, magical powers, the worship of deities and goddesses.

The aims of this topic is to help restore equilibrium to the body, mind and spirit, and achieving a sense of spiritual wholeness.
The Spiritual Industry has different objects and commodities produced like: Soul, Aatman, Deity, Shrines Jivatma, Parmatma, God, Consciousness, Peace, Bliss, Bhakti, and Yoga etc. We are ruling supreme with one world spiritual government.
We are motivating every one to end well in life, through the modern digitalized spirituality.
We restore back wasted years, ceased glory, faulty foundations and shortchanged lives etc.
We have final solutions for every problem in life.

I am the man who saw tomorrow, and the founder of Esotetic World Discovery, a spiritual scientific discovery by a research,

I remain: Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, A Spiritual Counselor, Avatar, Pharmacognosist, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.
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1 comment:

  1. "Thriving In A Wicked World"
    Human beings were created last among other things, according to some religious history. We humans turns out to be the most wicked among other creations. Don't allow any human to recreate you negatively, by deciding your future and taking control of your destiny.
