All Spiritual Solutions

Tuesday 6 April 2021


By Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia

Born To Serve Others

God is One and Supreme; The Supreme and Ultimate Reality:
God has been conceived as either personal or impersonal. In theism, God is the creator and sustainer of the universe, whilst in deism, God is the creator but not the sustainer of the universe. In pantheism, God is the universe itself.

A priest is a spiritual, occult and religious leader ordained in authority to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more gods (deities) He also has the authority and power to administer spiritual, occult and religious rites; in particular, rites of sacrifice to, and propitiation of gods and deities.

A deity or god is a supernatural being considered divine or sacred.
It can also be defined as "a god or goddess", or anything revered as divine.

"The solution providers,
help people to have a good life and protect their successes from crumbling. They possess different powers according to their sources and origins.

These powers, according to discovery, include spiritual exploration, mystical
knowledge, magical powers, spiritual elixirs, supernatural performances, new world orders of spiritual superiority, their actualizations and control.

The diviners, shamans, healers, sages, and wisdom keepers of all times, and spiritualists of the wisest, noblest, and custodian of all spiritual solutions, rules, doctrines and services are the inspired agents of the most supreme Cosmos who have the authority to demonstrate spiritual skillfulness on the fortunes of others.

Lives are calculated and measured according to the calculator or cup that you used. We help our clients by making them the greatest human raw materials that controls the Supernaturals

It is easier to achieve success, than to protect it from crashing or dwindling. Esoteric World Discovery Ltd. a spiritual scientific discovery by a research bridges the gaps between physical and spiritual successes, failures, and balancing the restorative spiritualism. Restorative spiritualism is a system where both parties (service providers , clients or patients etc.. are protected.

"Priests are the bridges between the Supreme Being and the lesser beings; the supernatural and natural/juristic, the impossibilities and possibilities".

A priest starves and denies himself his sleep for others to have a good life. He (priest) is happy when other people's problems are solved. The Spiritual Solutions Providers are the truest non religious and sacred professionals known to God, nature and man.

A spiritual life with no direction, chosen destiny, vision, focus, action plans and determination to succeed is already lost in the crowd. Why not stand out physically and spiritually?
Many destinies have been spiritually misled, destroyed and wasted due to the fact that they seek popular opinions and tend to live their lives based on sentiments or to please others; even when many people cannot separate destinies from talents, connections or natural favors etc..

Nothing will change in your life,
unless you accept the present reality as it relates to you in the contemporary world. That is when the master key that rectifies tried efforts can remedy your life's spiritual and physical balance sheets via the supernatural reality.

Few of today's successful men across the world were favoured by a wrong system, environmental connection and nature itself, etc. Seeing or taking such people as mentors are generational and Millennium mistakes, as most of them can still fall or crumble from the wrong foundations upon which they were groomed and built; except those who allowed spiritual experts to repair and close the wrong existing gaps. Spiritualism and nature are interwoven and they're always on the saving sides of humanity no matter (our) the deficiencies.

You can stand out, position yourself on the front line, live a successful, purposeful and meaningful lives from the principles enlisted and discussed in this lifesaving spiritual article. I am repeating it with all sense of humility and responsibility, that a good plan today, is better than a perfect plan in the future as procrastination is man's worst enemy. So, your today's decision determines your tomorrow's next level of success.

Most of our successful clients, patients and students all over the world are those that followed our true spiritual doctrine and mystical principles, overlooked and neglected by many.

Your believe and desires alone cannot create or provide you with a physical reality. God cannot give you liquid cash, but connections, environments, perfect destiny choices with working action plans that shall lead you into enabling situations envied by many.
One million intentions without attempts, tries, and actions can be defined as ordinary brain exercises. Quote that I said so.

Sometimes, later becomes never in life, procrastination is your worst enemy and a thief of greatness.

Great things never came from comfort zones, and successful life cannot come as a miracle.
He who is not courageous enough to take genuine risks will accomplish nothing in life. Successful footballers are those who were not afraid of injuries.

Our ideas provide final solutions that address desires to all life problems.
One can be a failure and successful at the same time. One can be a failure in academics and a success in another skill. One can be a failure financially, and a success in good health and longer living. Some others can make it early, die early or end badly, whilst some people will start late and end well.

You can be a villain and still a hero in your pursuit of success.
Don't forget that heroes and successes are relative in nature.
I also define heroism and success as the successful repetitions of some endeavors and goal actualizations, and not only great bravery and wealth.
Some people are only as good as their best excuses.

Knowing is not enough; you must apply what you know, and bring your vision to reality. Some people are getting busy living positively successful, whilst some are getting busy ending as perpetual failures. Don't forget that lost times are never found or recovered again.

Why do people trade their opportunities? In the things are bad as seen and said by everyone today, there are opportunities that are scattered therein and those opportunities can always be identified, gathered and utilized by those that have visions and wisdoms, especially if a good destiny was chosen and groomed, especially if backed spiritually by the Cosmos.

Having a comprehensive and forensic solutions to every human problem is a supernatural war. Becoming spiritual solution providers is the most cherished profession to God, nature, god and humanity. One time in your life, there must be traces of assumed success which was not protected and had raced the threat of failures, ups and downs, and rights or wrongs, etc..

Every failure or unsuccessful person may have experienced little success or dreamt elevation before becoming a complete perpetual failure. Real success includes the spiritual and physical ability to prevent and protect the already achieved success and status from crumbling.

Everyman is born to be a solution to a problem. Great men are problem solvers; they became great because they consistently solved problems. Indeed, great men solve great problems. It is the size of the problem solved that determines the size of the reward, which is turned to Success, money, treasures and wealth values.

Our physical ideas about success and wealth need to be readjusted because the easiest route to wealth is to solve problems; fame or money is the reward you get for solving someone’s problem(s). Stop looking for money, look for problems to be solved or services to be rendered because you shall obtain rewards of success in the end.

Even if you play lotto, pools, lotteries with supernatural assistances or with the help of forecasters and win millions of dollars, it is your reward for having patronized the gambling companies and for taking a great risk, whilst gamble doubters are abound. If you have a good job, you are being paid that much because of the services you render.

The easiest route to make maximum impacts in peoples' lives is by bringing solutions to their problems, which results are turned into wealth and great riches. The problem is not the problem; your attitudes to the problems are the problems! Your attitudes to problems determine whether they will be solved or remain unsolved perpetually.

At a time in your life, you will be remembered for two things: the problems you solved or the ones you created or refused to solve. We must believe that the best way to escape from a problem is to solve it, and that problems solutions are wealth yet to be discovered.

Your approach to the problem will prohibit/prevent you from seeing the solutions. Cultivate the habit of focusing on the physical or spiritual solutions to the problems.
The majority see the obstacles, whilst few see the objectives; history only records the successes of the latter, whist the others go into oblivion. Meanwhile, the priests or the spiritual solution providers see the solutions to every human problems.

The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. Victory and success only require crafty and skillful application of spiritual wisdom.
Spiritualism has taken over knowledge and physical strengths, which means that your knowledge and physical strengths cannot do it alone.

The wise sometimes go hungry to accommodate those without economic resources. Remember that being more skillful than others cannot make you much more wealthier than them.

Don't let the present coarse you into believing that you are already a failure, beaten flat out, and have already lost the battle of becoming successful in life.

With good spiritual arrangement, one single achievement can surpass several years of combined efforts and achievements.
Successful life is never by chance, accident or mistake. It is the commission hard work and wisdom with spiritual ingenuity.
Why not join the champions and winners circle ? Successful life cannot come as a miracle.

It Is more risky not to take spiritual risk, and worst of all to do nothing in a confused and worst situation.
Spiritualism has taken over knowledge and physical strengths. We match spiritualism, science and physical reality to achieve every spiritual goals in life.

In summary, there are problems everywhere. Problems created by different people, society, environment, climate, development, nature or wrong systems, etc. Some were passed on to the present generation from the past. However, I advice you to be part of the solutions; and not part of the problems.
Without spiritual backups, your present status and expected successes are not guaranteed.

Go to the hospital yourself, where you can be discussing with the doctors in your complete senses and would be able to explain the symptoms of your feelings yourself.
The opposite is when another person will be discussing everything about your life on your behalf including how to feed you or place you on the bed, if you are very lucky to enjoy such privileges. Some of those Bermuda Triangle air crash victims were only remembered probably by the media, and were used as an experimental warnings to others.

Take responsibility and control of your life at a time no one is deciding it for you. There is no other time than now. Act is if tomorrow is too late. Why are you dying in silence with that little challenge of yours?

Dr. Chukwu takes over where others have failed woefully.
They Transform Lives From non value systems to Spiritual And Mystical Value Changes. They qualify the unqualified.
They Are The Finishers of All Human Problems. They Are Motivating You To Finish Well In Life.
Poverty is a choice, failure is a choice.

He remains: Dr. Chukwu Innocent Ogbonnia, A Spiritual Counselor, Avatar,

Pharmacognosist, Spiritualist, Occultist, Spiritual Grand Master, The man who saw tomorrow, Ultimate Father Superior and Ezine articles Expert Author.< For More Information: WhatsApp: +2348037550425, +2348146015314

1 comment:

    That you don't believe in a process does not mean that such process is wrong or is not existing and working for others. Your individual perception cannot change the true realities of life. Natural laws is not subject to your personal opinion
