All Spiritual Solutions

Saturday 1 February 2014


Spiritual healing dates back time immemorial, it has always been there and known by custodians of ancient mysteries and Esoteric order. It is not new, however the arrival of the internet gave it a boost which now makes it possible for reasonable number of people to know and now talk about it.
          Our over love for medical science made us to totally turn our back to spiritual healing not to talk of alternative healing to our peril.  Spiritual healing comes handy in sicknesses that have defied medical science, in the case of confused sickness or idiopathic sickness, including conflicting symptoms. Spiritual healing can be employed to make straight such situations.
 My candid opinion when handling degenerative or idiopathic sickness is to take the part of complementary treatment, in this case combining medical treatment with spiritual healing, do not allow you health condition to reach par before contemplating spiritual healing once you notice your response to treatment is not satisfactory do not allow your doctor to pronounce death sentence on you before commencing spiritual healing, this is to enable you respond to treatment, because of those things your doctor do not know. If you know this, do you know the other one?
          However before ever embarking on any sort of spiritual healing, the word is caution! We are in the internet era, the era of super information highway and ‘super scam highway’ scam artists are scattered all over the internet including the spiritual healing arena. Look! Before you leap all that glitters is not gold, my advise is that you should do your own due diligence search.
Separate the boys from the men, run as far as your leg can carry you, if you smell scam, if you are not convinced do not take anybody’s word, not even mine until you have concluded your own due diligence search.
          In Esoteric World Discoveries limited, we have nothing to hide, whatever your problems real or imaginary, we conduct what we call Complete Comprehensive Holistic Microscopic and Redefined Spiritual Research to unearth the root cause of your sickness and solutions before embarking on any spiritual healing, we do not normally dabble into healing without a  spiritual  research.
          Do not be carried away with claims and testimonials of so called spiritual healing, a spiritual research will tell you things you know and things you don’t know, it permeates the innermost of your life and tell you things you and only you know and things you are not yet aware of, which is affecting your health, happiness and well being. Yes! It will tell you things affecting your health, life, your business, spouse, your work, your finances the list is endless.
          My candid advise, when your health is defying medical treatment, commence the process of spiritual healing (if possible run a spiritual research before embarking on medical treatment), this is the only secret that will help get your life  back. Let the doctor take the praise and glory for performing a medical feat.
No problem, the most important thing is that you have your life back.
Finally do not allow your doctor to pronounce a death sentence on you before contemplating embarking on spiritual research or spiritual healing.
          The author of this article Dr. Chukwu Innocent O. is the CEO of Esoteric World Discoveries Limited, a debt free spiritual organization where all seemingly impossibilities are made spiritually possible.
          May the cosmic grant you the wisdom to understand these mysteries. Be mightily blessed by the cosmic. You can reach him at

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