All Spiritual Solutions

Saturday 1 February 2014


Did I hear someone ask what is destiny? Though we have hammered enough on what destiny is and what destiny isn’t, the term destiny can be variously defined, call it that which have already be ordained or concluded. Call it the creator’s agenda for you. You have an agenda to fulfill, for you are not here by accident, you are created to make an impact here on earth, but the question is how many of us are making our destined impact here on earth? You are here on earth to fulfill a particular mission, the question is, are you fulfilling that mission? Your destiny is your portion here on earth, it is your impact as you traverse this earth. Your destiny is the track you were programmed to follow to fulfill life. Destiny has to do with your ordained portion or assignment, your duty and your task here on earth, it is what you are expected to carry out to make an impact here on earth, it is your essence and your relevance in life. Have you discovered or rediscovered your destiny? You need to find out how to fulfill your destiny. Your destiny is what distinguishes you from others.
          Ever thought about unraveling the mysteries behind your destiny, some destinies have been hijacked, some diverted, some kidnapped, even some has been imprisoned and others misled. Do you know some people are enjoying other people’s destiny, yes! Your destiny can be spiritually hijacked and given to another person that is why you see a lot of people going in circles from January to December, that is why you see people crawling through life despite all their efforts to succeed, some destinies are denied, some circumvented.
          Search yourself to determine whether your destiny is on course. Search yourself to know whether you are fulfilling destiny. Ask yourself if you are making the desired impact commiserate to your efforts.
          May the cosmic grant you the wisdom to understand these mysteries and may you be mightily blessed by the cosmic.
The author of this article Dr. Chukwu Innocent O. is the CEO of Esoteric World Discoveries Limited a debt free spiritual organization where all seemingly impossibilities are made spiritually possible. Where people are brought in almost dead and they walk out alive. If you want to consult him, you can reach him at

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